Welcome to New Reality!

Your Trusted Partner in Residential Construction and Remodeling

What are we doing?


Dreaming of renovating your home, apartment, or any other living space?

Whether you want to remodel, design a new kitchen, add an extra bedroom, or build a deck or garage, we can help bring your ideas to life quickly and efficiently.


Not sure where to start?

We understand because we’ve been there too. Now we are here to make your project easier, faster, and more enjoyable so you can spend more time with your loved ones.


Our team of experts, with over 10 years of experience, is ready to assist you at every step, providing the necessary recommendations and support

Our Services

Service 1: Accurate Space Measurement

"Precise measurement of your existing spaces"


Service 2: Detailed Plan Development

"Creating comprehensive plans for your current and future projects, perfect for submitting building city permits"


Service 3: Collaboration with Architects and Structural Engineers

"Engaging professional architects and structural engineers for seamless project planning"


Service 4: Assistance for Contractors and Construction Firms

"Support in finding reliable general contractors and construction firms"


Guaranteed Satisfaction: 90-day guarantee


Client Reviews: Our clients love us!


Expert Team: Over 10 years of experience

Free Consultation and Specialist Visit: Available within 3 days

Contact us now to schedule a meeting and take the first step towards creating your dream space

Why Choose New Reality Design

Joe Hoan

"Professionalism and Experience"


 Our specialists have extensive experience and high qualifications in their fields

Mary Kim

"Individual Approach" 



We provide solutions that exactly match the requirements and goals of each client

Chris Grant

"Comprehensive Support" 



We accompany clients at all stages of the project, providing full support and consultations

Lari Hunt

"Modern Technologies" 



We use advanced technologies and methods to ensure the highest accuracy and reliability of our services

Contact Us

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